I meant to write at home today but a situation I’m worried about combined with PMS meant this would most likely be unproductive and involve more sitting and frowning than words written so I came here to dig.
3 hours later and still obsessing on the issue in hand a robin came to see me and a little later I glimpsed a heron in flight, both of which served as momentary distractions. Then, my middle daughter rang and asked if she could come home tonight for me to look over a proposal she’s writing, finally I have a different focus.
Plus, it’s raining – hurrah!
So glad of the rain! It looks like you had a fair amount judging by that puddle. I saw some documentation of a lovely piece of work the other day... An artist called Kirsten Pieroth made a piece called 'Berlin Puddle' in 2001. She sucks up puddles into plastic bottles and re-locates them! There is a picture of her crouching over a puddle with her rubber tubing and a row of un- matching plastic cannisters.
I hope that you can shake yourself free of whatever is on your mind.
Say Hi to Phoebe from me!
With love from jane x
Much later and free of this particular worry but wanted to comment on the puddle woman. I too have plastic bottles that carry drinking water from home to my allotment kettle and gutters (not piping) that relocates rain water off my shed roof and into my water butts (old dustbins, baths etc). Perhaps these are the 'new media'.
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