Arrived straight from a tent at 7.30am – Council lorry day. Jobs done, I’m gasping for a coffee. A pair of swans just flew over… and now back again… I always wonder at the sound of their powerful wings in flight.
This may be a habit worth developing – first coffee of the day at the allotment. I’m sitting by my pea and cabbage seedlings that I watered 2 days ago – they’ve shot up – should come on leaps and bounds after this weekends predicted downpour.
I was chatting with a neighbour earlier who was saying he always takes a breath of honeysuckle on his way to and from work. This is a huge and straggling bush situated in my wild area that overhangs the wall and hence the adjacent path. I’m guessing it is home to a whole host of wildlife as well as being redemptive to a sensibility that looks for the aesthetic in the ordinary. (bell hooks, Art on My Mind: visual politics, 1995).
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