Orla - first early, Desiree - first maincrop, Verity - late maincrop.
After speaking with my friend Jane about a quandary I find myself in she suggested, in the style of my research, that I ‘dig on it’ to discover what emerges from the process of doing instead of thinking, so here I am.
I stopped to take a rest from digging and stood back 2 paces from my fork. A robin flew and perched on it, dropped down to pick up a worm then flew off to my wild corner. A strange little grating squeak alerted me to turn and focus on a small, fat, brown bird with wide-open beak… the recipient of the afore-mentioned worm.
I let my kettle boil too long and my shed now smells like a sauna.
It’s a new moon I can see it even though it’s only 3pm, it’s beckoning to me to do some planting.
Thanks Laura! I like your choice of potatoes. We're growing Desiree this year. It's good if there is a drought. Have you got any compost or manure? I think they would appreciate a good mulch of it and it would be good for the worms too!
Oh laura, All this mention of compost and worms reminds me that I was communing with you quite seriously on saturday as I emptied the treasure from my worm bin...lovely thick dark compost with some strange remnants (mango labels, elastic band, pumpkin seed) The worms were abundant too. I picked them out carefully to start the next batch and used the compost to plant my tomatoes.
I hope that the digging helped you to settle your thoughts.
p.S does anybody know what newly hatched brandling worms look like?
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