I feel so sad and responsible for the death of this beautiful hedgehog. I hope the stones that I have now provided as a ladder will prevent any more accidents of this kind.
Beginning in the spring of 2007 this is a journal of my Fine Art research project exploring the transformative possibilities for me personally and in relation to others through keeping an allotment. From October 2008 the project adjusts with the relocation of my potting shed from my allotment in Derbyshire to my new garden in Cornwall.
This stirred me up a bit - know what you mean about feeling responsible but can we take responsibility for unanticipated accidents? It's strange with wild creatures. I think they are living in a different continuum than we are. Sometimes crossovers create small tragedies that we never wished or desired. Do you remember times as a child when you tried to rescue something or to avert some disaster for a small creature. The frustration and sadness when you couldn't save them? When they wouldn't cooperate or understand that you were trying to help. I like your stone ladder, though - good solution.
Bit of an early morning ramble, huh?
Thanks Bernie, I feel less guilty now. I remember being in an aquarium once as a child and seeing a fish that was clearly dying helplessly wanting to do something for it. Also trying to rescue spiders in baths half full of water.
I've just been reading 'Art On My Mind: visual politics' by bell hooks - do you know it, it made me think of you. (also made me think of you Jane, if you're reading this?)
Hi, Laura
I am reading this! Thanks for the Bell Hooks reference, I meant to look her up after our telephone conversation. Its interesting what Bernie says about the hedgehog incident....about the cross-overs creating small tragedies. I too, like the stone ladder and think that it reflects a wild place where many different missions are all at play at once.
This is very sad, but its a ferocious world out there. Last week I found a dead blackbird that the cat who has taken possession of our shed had killed. I wish it was so efficient when it comes to mice!
The week before, I visited our pond and found a dead frog. Couldn't help feeling I'd done something wrong but I don't think so. I also saw something struggling in the water. When I lifted it out it turned out to be a Peacock butterfly. I left it in the sun and it flapped its wings a bit but I don't know if it survived.
Anyway I think the stone ladder is a great idea and will encourage a lot of other things like water snails which might help to clean up the water!
What are your feelings towards slugs?
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