I have a huge pile of branches that I pruned off the elders and plum trees. It resembles a bonfire but will never be one because of the no-bonfire-rule here. It is in fact kinder to the environment to season it for the wood stove next winter anyway, so I am preparing a place to store it. There is a wonderful redundant pigsty on my plot. I have already, with the help of my husband, cleared out the far end of it as a receptacle for farmyard manure, which I’m hoping the local farmer will deliver into it. The original door end of the pigsty, I am finding, was used for dumping stone and rubbish over the years. The stone is what we need at present, so that’s good and the rubbish is excellent material for the imagination. I do wonder how much we have been conditioned by literature and the media. Would I, pre- Agatha Christie and ‘Z-cars’, on discovering a bottle containing a clear liquid, immediately have thought that it could have contained poison and been hidden there after a terrible crime being committed by its owner?
Dear Laura,
What you have been doing looks amazing.I was particularly taken by the pigstye and your reference to Z cars! When I was a girl I lived in a place called Falcon Close. One day after school I was hanging about by the fence when I saw inspector Burt Lynch drive past in his squad car. This made a very strong impression on me and I suspect is one of the root causes for my inability to truly separate fact from fiction. Excavating an old pig stye looks everybit as good as an agatha christie. Love jane x
Dear Laura,
What you have been doing looks amazing.I was particularly taken by the pigstye and your reference to Z cars! When I was a girl I lived in a place called Falcon Close. One day after school I was hanging about by the fence when I saw inspector Burt Lynch drive past in his squad car. This made a very strong impression on me and I suspect is one of the root causes for my inability to truly separate fact from fiction. Excavating an old pig stye looks everybit as good as an agatha christie. Love jane x
Dear jane,
What a great gift Burt Lynch bestowed upon you unwittingly that day!
Laura x
Well is there any manure in it yet, thats what I want to know!!
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