Awoke to snow falling and thought the ground would be too hard to dig today but arrived to find it perfect for digging, not too wet or dry and not frozen.
My 21-year-old fledgling arrived safely in Finland last night to
-7degC and snow underfoot and this is just the start of the Finnish winter, it could go as cold as -30!
I’m sitting in my shed today and am looking at a selection of images of me, some holding birds closely to my chest and others resting my head on my arms, one curled up asleep and another whispering secrets to a friend. These are redundant etching plates, the editions complete, the work of a friend in St.Ives. When we lived there she and I exchanged my modelling for tuition in and use of her printmaking studio. When I visited her just before Christmas she was wondering how to recycle this plate metal and I asked if I could have it for my allotment to be used in some way, probably practically, to edge a path or something. She said it would weather well, particularly the copper. Now the plates are in my shed I realise how appropriate these images are for my situation here expressing relaxation, contemplation, oneness with nature and last but not by any means least the sharing of confidences, hopes, dreams and the becoming of shared stories.
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