The gap in my blogging rather than meaning I haven’t been here indicates instead that I have been absorbed in what I’m doing here.
I have continued to dig for my broad bean bed but this is difficult when it is wet as I’ve discovered the lower section takes longer to drain and the soil stays wet and sticky. Also, the need for more stone for wall-building has led me to recover stone from around the plot, principally alongside the wall. This is an area that every summer becomes impassable because of brambles, nettles and willowherb. In searching for stone I have been digging out these roots and in the process revealing a considerable area containing wonderfully rich soil. I am thinking of planting my peas and lettuce along here as they will have some shade from the wall during the full heat of summer days. What I must definitely avoid is perennial anything as the roots of these are what has caused my wall to fall down, we think. Nasturtiums may be a good option.
One of my allotment neighbours came up with a good plan yesterday when I discovered my very weathered beanpoles under last years’ overgrowth. I had tried to bring them into my shed for protection but they are longer than it. He suggested hanging them from hooks onto the back of my shed. This was the first thing I did this morning.
As I suspected, when I decided to pause in my digging to take photos, the rain has now begun. I will persevere and hope it is blown over by the wind that arrived with it.
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