I’m here on my own which is rare these days. I’ve been digging my broad bean bed again now that it’s a little drier. I’ve also planted the organic garlic I sent away for and as I suspected I needed twice as much so I took a trip to the nearby garden centre where they didn’t have any. I think I’ll buy some organic garlic from the coop, which I did last year, and plant that.
Yesterday my wall-builder and I came up to the allotment, which was covered in snow, but we didn’t do any work; a mixture of laziness and fragility due to the cold!
On consulting my plan that I drew up on New Year’s Eve I realise there are a few errors. There is at least one less bed than I calculated for in the bottom section so I’ve planted garlic in 3 rows down the middle of one leaving space for a row of beetroot either side. These two crops are noted companions so I thought they might like to share a bed.
You've got lovely snow. We so rarely get it here on the south coast.
I'd be interested to know more about the companionship of two such fine vegetables as beetroot and garlic...what is the nature of their companionship?
How wonderful to hear from you again Jane. I believe, encouraged by Bob Flowerdew, that garlic and other aliums such as onions and shallots are the friend of many plants, particularly root crops such beetroot, carrots and parsnips as their distinctive aroma deters pests from infesting them. I'm not sure of the human lesson to be learned from this fine alliegence.
I will admit to having used garlic myself to deter pests too. Have got a lovely recipe for pickled beetroot:
6 beetroots
cold water
12fl oz vinegar
1 and a half tlbs dry mustard
1/2 tsp salt
9oz sugar
2 onions, sliced
2 tsp dill seeds
Old jars
Boil beetroot untill tender.Drain them and set aside, keeping 10fl oz of the lquid. Skin and slice the beetroots.
In a pan, bring the vinegar and saved cooking liquid to boil. Add mustard, sugar and salt. Stir in and bring to boil again. Remove the pan from the heat and set leave to cool.
Put slices of beetroot and onion in layers in jars. Add dill. Cover with vinegar mix. Cool and put in the fridge. Can be eaten after 2 days. Delish.....
Love J x
Beetroot is nearly my favourite vegetable but it has never really flourished for me. I prefer it freshly boiled with a bit of mustard and oil dressing and macaroni cheese!
I've set aside a whole bed covered in all last years compost so if that doesn't do the trick nothing will. Maybe I'll throw in some garlic as well.
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