Sunday 24 February 2008

essential grounding

Two and a half hours seems so short now that I’m used to working whole days here. It poured with rain when I was about to leave home at lunchtime, so I ended up catching the 3pm bus. Now the sky is turning pink at the end of the day.

I had some help carrying my old doors to the back of my shed where I’m hoping to create a lean-to or cold-frames for hardening-off seedlings come early summer.

I’ve been digging big weeds and buttercups from between the currants and gooseberries, digging is imperative to me at the moment, I’m finding it hard to concentrate on my written research so I’m hoping I’ll be more earthed this evening when
I get home.


Anonymous said...

Every time I look at this allotment it seems to have grown another corner!

These fruit bushes look very productive. Are you feeding them?

We shifted a lorry load of manure today. Yes its that time of year and I've marked out the rows for the potatoes which are chitting upstairs. Don't you love the anticipation of not quite spring?

Anonymous said...

It was good to visit the allotment. Now I feel a part of it! I just can't connect as well with the virtual world. I hope you come up to Preston and visit our plot sometime! Did I tell you besides digging, growing the green leafies are my big thing...