Monday 3 March 2008

Under the weather

It feels like weeks since I was last digging. In fact it is only 4 days. In the meantime I have been under the weather in more ways than one. The gales at the weekend, following the earthquake last Wednesday, were astonishing, I called on Sunday to check my shed was still in one piece after losing a window last winter. This morning we woke up to a blizzard but it had all gone by mid-morning giving way to a beautifully sunny, though cold, day. I can now see dark clouds looming and wonder if there’s more snow on its way.

Just inspected the hibernating hedgehog because I could see that some of it’s moss covering had been moved. There was a hole at one side of the mound that I peered into - I saw spines so carefully covered it with another generous helping of moss. I hope it is still alive in there.

There was a stall on the market this morning selling seed potatoes and onion sets, so I bought a bag of Desiree, since I can’t find Pomeroy anywhere, and a small bag of shallots that I will need to find a corner for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well aren't you lucky to have your own hedgehog! Hope it helps to keep the slugs down. We will have to continue to rely on the frogs which have just spawned again. I'm a bit sceptical about this. I love frogs but I'm not sure they could manage a decent sized slug.
Pomeroy is out this year. Appare ntly the seed potatoes got infected with something and had to be withdrawn. I took several weeks to get over the loss! Desiree are lovely anyway.

I was thinking about planting onion sets this weekend but its so cold I think I might wait another week.