I brought some more people to the allotment today, it seems to be something I’m doing lately. I made them cups of tea and coffee and we talked about peace and quiet as well as paths and how best to maintain them. One of the people who I’d never met before is a countryside conservation volunteer.. Tiny the cat came to meet them too.
The light’s dropping now and as a result the midges are waking up and getting hungry, I can feel them biting… always an indicator that it’s time to be going home. It’s only 4.07, the days seem very short now.
Your allotment looks lovely, I would love to visit. Shame about the distance.
What is that spike/spire in the distance?
Speaking of steeples... guess who I saw the other day!
I was on the bus passing Becks chipshop and what looked like a caveman or Neanderthal wearing a sack type dress/toga was walking towards St. Ives!
Our new friend Adam meets with him now and then and is going to take Jonny to meet him.
you're making me home-sick!
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