No digging yet today. It’s our middle daughter’s 21st this weekend so I started by sawing and filling my car boot with logs for the fire. Then I harvested what I could find, a few remaining potatoes, some small straggly carrots, 2 magnificent parsnips, three lacy cabbages and several Jerusalem artichoke. I even found some rocket and chicory that had survived the ice and frost as well as mint, thyme and sage.
The council lorry is coming early tomorrow morning so I’ve been sorting some rubbish at the same time as clarifying the space around the wall that my friend and I are spending the next few Saturday afternoon’s repairing. I can’t get used to seeing my images as though through a mirror. It is the result of taking pictures straight into my computer using its Photo Booth mode. Maybe I should take them through Photoshop and reverse them?
Don't you just love winter?
its a great time to slow down and contemplate and think and plan and who knows, maybe regain control!
How are your leeks doing now and what else is still growing? Any cabbages and sprouts and whatnot?
Have you got a manure pile?
Its a great place to grow cucumbers and courgettes although ours never got going this year (too cold I think). Anyway when they've all finished you can distribute it to all those places in special need like the gooseberry and blackcurrant bushes.
Manure and potatoes are the answer to very nearly everything!
Yes winter's great!
Unfortunately because of our spending most of the summer in Cornwall due to bereavements my leeks and brasiccas never made it beyond the seed tray. I have one brussel sprout, self sown I think, that I hope to harvest for Christmas.
I have a wonderful ancient roofless pigsty that I've cleared out ready for a local farmer to deliver manure to. I agree about manure and potatoes, perhaps this could constitute the 'new knowledge' element of my PhD research!
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