Monday 12th November 2007
It’s a frozen wonderland here this morning, which is rapidly being dispersed by brilliant sunshine. It’s now 9degC in my shed but ice instead of water under plant pots is evidence of several degrees below zero overnight. A bit of log-sawing whilst the kettle boils soon acclimatises my body to these chilly conditions.
I’ve been thinking whilst digging of my friend in London who’s husband died last night – hoping she’ll eventually find solace in the digging of her allotment.
Came back after lunch and decided to cut back the elder over my writing/thinking palette. In so doing I discovered that the rambling rose which had seemed inconsequential is in fact a monster. Decided to weave it around the remainder of the elder thus creating what I hope will become a shady rose arbour next summer. Halfway through this job my phone rang… it was my research supervisor ringing for a pre-arranged telephone session at 2pm intended to be on my home phone! We’ve re-scheduled for 4pm.
1 comment:
Hi Laura!
Yes I'm back and what fantastic photos of the boundary of your plot! It looks like a real haven for everything. I love the way wild roses find their way into hedge rows and I spend ages at this time of year clearing out the old brambles and lovingly tying down the new ones where I would like them to grow. We've planted some clematis and honeysuckle as well. The trouble is if it gets too thick it shades out the veg, but you can't cut them out can you?
What? Phoebe 21? Happy Birthday!
It was only yesterday you were paddling around trampling on the broad bean seedlings as you pottered over the veg patch at Mulgrave Avenue. I hope you inherit your Mum's way of gardening. I don't understand it fully but it seems to work!
XXX Dave
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