I’m sitting somewhat awkwardly on a concrete breezeblock in front of my shed, one of the same blocks that I discovered had previously been a set of steps. I have weeded in front of my shed to make space for them resulting in an even muddier path than the one I’ve been sliding about on for the last few wet weeks. Now instead of slipping I have boots encrusted in mud, so, I’ve decided to remedy this by making a mat of sorts out of skeletal yet substantial michaelmas daisy stalks. My theory is that whereas gravel or wood chippings just add to muddy boots creating a pebbledash effect, these stalks should stay in place better, we’ll see.
Now that I have a wall-builder on board there are certain jobs that need to be done before he is here again on Saturday so why, I wonder, am I doing a job that I’ve put off now for over a year? I wonder if I am feeling the need to reclaim my reflexive methods of working, or perhaps I just don’t like being told what to do!