28th June 2007
I’ve felt I’ve been absent for months and on returning this seems to be evident. One of the advantages, however, of working with living media (as opposed to paint/canvas etc.) is that it continues the process of creativity without me…
…a blackbird carrying a lump of white bread as big as its head just flew into a patch of nettles and bindweed to the left of me and now to my right there’s a young bird in my potato bed being fed by its parent…
…I’m quite sure my allotment neighbours must all despair at my lack of desire for control within my plot, but they can’t deny its fruitfulness. When I remember a couple of months ago I was waxing lyrical about how I would miss the wildness if I ever eventually manage to control it, the chances of this ever becoming an issue are laughably microscopic.
Anyway, for the first time this year (apart from a few radish) I am harvesting – broad beans, endive, chicory and more radish
I love that bit about working with living media and creativity carrying on without you. It cheered me up as I'm feeling very tired and uncreative at the moment. Sometimes I can't get my head round the gardening thing and then I came out into the garden in the rain a few days ago and found some lovely blue Iris that I got from a cheap shop and didn't really have much hopes for. Glad now that I got round to planting them out.
My allotment is full of colour at the moment, poppies, big daisies and other things too, all of which have self planted. I love that about it, I plant the food and nurture it and nature adds the colour.
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