Now 10am – arrived here at 7.15 driving through low-level bright mist. The sun is now properly breaking through.
Middle daughter arrived just after me as planned with two friends from her live art group at university as well as her tutor a film-maker and a photographer (above are some of his images).
After tea, cake and chat we decided on a whispered-guided-tour becoming story-to-camera followed by making string and tea from nettles. Everyone left again after more cake to go with the nettle tea at 9.15 to be back at university for 10am.
Sitting in my shed thinking it all over and a sparrow just flew in, realised its mistake when it hit the wall and flew straight out again and into the nearby elder. Also just saw a wren - so small – foraging for something in the straw mulch under my broad beans then flying away with its prize.
This sounds really interesting. Does this make your allotment double art?? And nettle string???? I'm intrigued.
It was brilliant! Nettle string was traditionally made by native american women and then used to make baskets etc. It's one of the sorts of things people learn to do on survival courses. It's basically the same principle as spinning any other fibre having stripped the fibres from the stem of the nettle. I think it may be necessary to dry the fibres first then damp them for spinning. We used green fibres and they've unwound as they dried and shrunk. Nettle tea is weirdly soup-like!
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