Yesterday I spent most of the day in the garden planting potatoes, sieving home-made compost and sowing seed into it. I began documenting various packets and envelopes of seed given to me by friends and friends of friends over the last few years. I've decided as a positive action in response to being short of cash that I will not buy any more seed this year (I have already bought seed potatoes, garlic, shallots and onion sets) but sow the leftover stock I have from previous years as well as seed I harvested last autumn and that given to me by others.
Today as predicted by the MET Office it is raining and I am glad I planted the potatoes yesterday. I am at my desk looking out at bedraggled chickens and considering Deleuze and Guattari's 'body without organs' (IN: A Thousand Plateaus) and the power of passivity from my recent experiences of working in collaboration with others, in particularly at a conference in Salisbury.
Finally reconnected to your blog after total laptop meltdown a while ago. 'd like to know how the collected/donated seeds fare. XXB
Hi Bernie, glad to see you back on line. More on the seeds to come... xx
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