Thursday 13th March
Very productive day today, no rain! I’ve cleared the pile of wood, well actually I’ve moved the twiggy bits to a part of the allotment that I won’t be planting this spring. I’ve also finished clearing out the pigsty, lined it with carpet underlay that I gleaned from a neighbours cast-offs and then cut the remaining logs to fit and stored them in there to season for the wood stove next winter.
I’ve cut back brambles and other weeds from the wild end of the plot, near to where the wall is being repaired and moved the carpet that was under the woodpile over there as a base for all the stone and rubble to be moved onto. My theory is that then the weeds then won’t grow through the stones and it also means that I can clear the bed for my marrows, squashes and courgettes.
I started to dig my third potato bed and have dug about a third of it including digging out a sycamore tree root that had established itself there.
To break up the strenuous work I paced out where my beds will be and marked them with sticks and string. It’s 5pm now and I arrived here at 10.30am, it definitely works well being here for a good few hours at a time.
The bungalow man who’s bean bed I’m working on has ordered another bottle of wine for me, he says he’ll have it ready for me tomorrow. “Say nothing” was his command!
hello Laura
I recently took a few minutes out from staring at a computer screen to check on the seeds that you kindly gave me as a birthday gift. Lois and i planted the seeds about a fortnight ago and we now have 10 little shoots poking out of the compost. i cant tell what they are yet and i dare say that when they are fully grown plants i still wont have a clue, but still , here they come !!
Hello Jonny,
Glad to hear the seeds are planted. There's no knowing whether the plants will be what I've said they'll be. One of my friends planted her seeds some while ago and now has parsley (as predicted) and a healthy tomato plant that must have grown from a seed that had survived my composting process.
Looking forward to you keeping me posted...
Dear Laura,
I carried your parcel back wondering about the contents and was delighted to see the beautiful clay pot, seeds and compost. The compost already has a seedling gangling about in it. I am planning to plant up on my return home. Here with emily, we have been sawing up old sycamore trees that we found in a pile at the back of her garage. They seem to have been cut so long ago and are so well seasoned that the magnificent ball roots burn really well on the fire. The sawing has focused and grounded us with its meditive action. It is quite an art to 'let the saw do the sawing'which seems to require a good amount of balance, concentration and focus!
Looking forward to my planting...
Love jane x
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