I’ve just weeded, thinned and transplanted my red and green cabbages – a satisfying task as I was ambivalent about their germination only a few weeks ago. I’m hoping the same will happen with my squashes, pumpkins and courgettes that all seem to be reluctant to hatch.
I could be feeling despondent about the amount there is to do so now is the time to remind myself of why I’m here and to enjoy the wildness, its unpredictability and the fine line between success and failure. In other words to practice what I preach!
I certainly seem to be encouraging nature, so many birds and yes, a ladybird feeding on the black-fly that arrived on just a few of my broad beans.
The cabbages I transplanted seem to be playing dead, I’m hoping it’s just temporary shock. My rocket has failed to germinate and I’ve only one small coriander plant – so – I’ve sprinkled vast quantities of seed I harvested 2 years ago and watered them in, hoping some of these will take instead.