Sunday, 10 June 2007

dead or alive?

I’ve just weeded, thinned and transplanted my red and green cabbages – a satisfying task as I was ambivalent about their germination only a few weeks ago. I’m hoping the same will happen with my squashes, pumpkins and courgettes that all seem to be reluctant to hatch.

I could be feeling despondent about the amount there is to do so now is the time to remind myself of why I’m here and to enjoy the wildness, its unpredictability and the fine line between success and failure. In other words to practice what I preach!

I certainly seem to be encouraging nature, so many birds and yes, a ladybird feeding on the black-fly that arrived on just a few of my broad beans.

The cabbages I transplanted seem to be playing dead, I’m hoping it’s just temporary shock. My rocket has failed to germinate and I’ve only one small coriander plant – so – I’ve sprinkled vast quantities of seed I harvested 2 years ago and watered them in, hoping some of these will take instead.

Saturday, 9 June 2007

strawberry thief

Arrived here about 3.30, I’m tired partly due to the hot, muggy weather but mainly as I’ve been working solidly on my written research followed by website construction. I’ve realised in writing this that my hands are trembling, probably too much computer contact. So, I’m sitting down with a cup of instant soup and some freshly pulled radishes that are the only immediately edible food here at the moment.

The strawberries are doing well but I see the ripe ones have been lunch to another visitor.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

all too brief update

It’s 8pm and this is a short visit to water in-shed and also tomatoes and celeriac that are very dry. I’ve been in my studio for the last 5 days writing and I’ve lost touch with the weather – so much change in so few days – these wonderful poppies I’ve been waiting for and my indoor French bean sowing, 100% more successful than the outdoor attempt. Now I’m being called away…

Friday, 1 June 2007

early morning live art

Now 10am – arrived here at 7.15 driving through low-level bright mist. The sun is now properly breaking through.

Middle daughter arrived just after me as planned with two friends from her live art group at university as well as her tutor a film-maker and a photographer (above are some of his images).

After tea, cake and chat we decided on a whispered-guided-tour becoming story-to-camera followed by making string and tea from nettles. Everyone left again after more cake to go with the nettle tea at 9.15 to be back at university for 10am.

Sitting in my shed thinking it all over and a sparrow just flew in, realised its mistake when it hit the wall and flew straight out again and into the nearby elder. Also just saw a wren - so small – foraging for something in the straw mulch under my broad beans then flying away with its prize.