Arrived at the break of day, not in order to be heroic but because I was delivering a daughter to a train at 8.10am. It’s now 12.08 and I soon have to collect her from the station.
Firstly today I completed digging to the 4th post, which means roughly 48 feet of the bottom section now dug. Then I wrapped 3 lots of prunings in a blanket and dragged them up to a neighbour’s bonfire site, by which time the blanket was ragged and I knew how it felt. This has liberated the main path again, as far as I’ve dug. I’ve also generally cleared up, emptied old plant pots and stored them and wheelbarrowed the weeds I’ve dug over to the compost heap. I’m conscious that I have a friend/collaborator coming here on Friday to engage in walking my paths with me and for this task the paths need to be clear.
Time to go…